October Events
First Friday No-Host Ladies' Breakfast,
will be at
9 am, Friday, October 4th,
at Baker Truck Corral.
All Ladies are Welcome!
Camp Elkanah Work Day
Saturday, October 5th,
starting at 8:15 am
To finish up boy's bathrooms &
sheet rock girl's bathrooms;
lunch servers needed also.
Let Pastor Karl/Office if going for lunch count.
Chili/Chili Dogs & Mini Golf
Thursday, October 31st,
at the Church from 4 - 6pm
During Downtown Trick or Treating.
All Church Dinner & Prayer Meeting on
Wednesday Nights
at 5:30 pm in Brownng Hall!
Come join us for a simple meal and time of prayer!
Contact the church office if you have a prayer request.
Free Community Dinner
Every Thursday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
is welcomed back to join us for
Community Dinner
Served Every Thursday!
Latest Changes to Menu:
October 3rd--BBQ Pork!
October 10th--Baked Potato Bar & Salad!
October 17th--Pizza Casserole & Salad!
October 24th--Burgers, Chips & Salad!
October 31st--Chili/Chili Dogs & Chips!
**Note it will run from 4-6pm with Mini Golf**
Celebrate Recovery
From 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Thursdays!
This is for Anyone with Hurts, Habits or Hangups.
We start right after Community Dinner.
We will watch a Video and have a short discussion.
Our Worship Service is at 10:00 am on
Sundays for those who wish to attend!
& Children's Church are available.
Adult Sunday School is at 9:00 am on
Sundays for those who wish to attend!
& Children's Church are available.
Our Sunday Worship Service
will be continue to be offered via "live streaming"
to our Facebook Page on Sundays at 10:00 am
and remain for viewing later for those who
prefer to worship from home or are unable to attend.
November Events
Items for the November Newsletter
are due Tuesday, October 29th.
a perfect time to share your news,
events or service items with everyone.
Ladies' No Host First Friday Breakfast,
9:00 am, November 1st at the Truck Corral.